A report updated information on 40 different indicators of poverty and social exclusion in Scotland. 1 in 3 disabled adults of working age in Scotland were living in poverty - double the rate for adults without disabilities, and above the poverty rate for either pensioners or children.
Source: Guy Palmer, Jane Carr and Peter Kenway, Monitoring Poverty and Social Exclusion in Scotland 2005, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (01904 629241)
Links: Findings | JRF press release
Date: 2005-Dec
A report examined the development and expansion of Sure Start Scotland services since 2001.
Source: Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Amanda Carty, Claudia Martin and Anne Birch, Sure Start Scotland Mapping Exercise 2004, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Report
Date: 2005-Dec
Researchers examined the statistical basis of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation published in 2004.
Source: Alex McConnachie and Chris Weir, Evaluation of Statistical Techniques in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400
Links: Report | Appendices | Summary
Date: 2005-Nov
The independent economic regulator of the water industry in Scotland said that it expected the industry to require no real-term increases in average water charges in the period 2006 to 2010. Low-income households would, for the first time, be eligible for a reduction in charges of up to 25 per cent.
Source: Press release 30 November 2005, Water Industry Commissioner for Scotland (01786 430200)
Links: WICS press release | SE press release
Date: 2005-Nov
A compendium of statistics provided detailed information on the depth and concentration of poverty and disadvantage in deprived areas in Scotland, as defined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004.
Source: Social Focus on Deprived Areas 2005, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Report
Date: 2005-Sep
A research report examined the impact of negative and positive environmental features on communities. The most deprived populations were three times more likely to be living near to industrial pollution sites; and people in the most deprived areas were almost five times more likely to be living near to derelict land than people who lived in the least deprived areas. But there was no direct consistent correlation between deprivation and proximity to landfill, quarries and open-cast sites.
Source: John Fairburn, Gordon Walker and Graham Smith, Investigating Environmental Justice in Scotland: Links between measures of environmental quality and social deprivation, Scottish and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (0131 557 2140)
Links: Report (pdf link) | SE press release
Date: 2005-May
A report examined the government's record since 1997 in tackling poverty (with particular reference to Scotland), in areas such as fuel poverty, financial exclusion, and disability.
Source: Peter Kelly and Gerry Mooney (eds.), The Poverty Report Card 2005, Poverty Alliance (0141 353 0440)
Links: Report (pdf) | Poverty Alliance press release (pdf)
Date: 2005-Apr
A report reviewed a survey of Scottish credit union members, analysed credit union business plans, and examined the role of credit unions in relation to financial inclusion.
Source: Keith Hayton, Loraine Gray and Karen Stirling, Scottish Credit Unions: Meeting member demands and needs, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Date: 2005-Mar
A report explored ways of improving financial literacy in Scotland.
Source: Jim McCormick, Mike Chapman and Deirdre Elrick, Thrifty Scots?: Steps to improve financial literacy, Scottish Council Foundation (0131 225 4709)
Links: Summary
Date: 2005-Jan
The Scottish Executive published a report and action plan on promoting financial inclusion.
Source: Financial Inclusion Action Plan, Scottish Executive (0131 244 0064)
Links: Report
Date: 2005-Jan